Who is a good candidate for SMAS Face Lift? If you are in your 50’s or more mature and have a realistic desire to turn back the clock – you are probably a good candidate for Dr Koelliker’s special SMAS Facelift surgery. You must be in otherwise good health, have reasonable and realistic goals and expectations and be able to clearly communicate your concerns to Dr. Koelliiker during your initial personal consultation.

• SMAS Face Lift can take many years off your face – with long lasting results

• SMAS Face Lift corrects jowls, hollow cheeks, nasolabial folds – effectively

• SMAS Face Lift has proven to keep you looking younger for 10 years or more

• SMAS Face Lift deals with the deeper layers of skin structure for better results

• SMAS Face Lift results in a more youthful – more natural looking appearance

• SMAS Face Lift requires superior surgical skill – which Dr. Koelliker has.

Your initial consultation with Dr. Koelliker may occur using photos and consult with Pat Marino:

The final consultation with you and Dr Koelliker usually occurs in the hospital in your private room and is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he listens closely to your concerns and believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the surgery/treatment plan that is right for you. Dr. Koelliker takes the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

Face Lift Surgery Overview

After you are prepped and anesthetized (usually with local and IV sedation), Dr. Koelliker will mark your face to indicate incision(s) placement and then proceed to make those incisions. Working through these he will free the 3-layer unit of facial and neck skin, then lift these layers upward together with the tension being placed on the underlying SMAS layer. This process brings the overlying skin layer to a more youthful position as well. You can expect a full head dressing and drain tubes. Your surgery may take several hours depending upon the extensiveness and individualized procedures you are having done. Swelling, bruising, numbness and some discomfort are normal and to be expected for 1-3 weeks. Many patients choose to combine the SMAS with other anti-aging procedures such as Chin/Cheek Implants.


SMAS Face Lift – What is it?

This is a surgical procedure used to address the problems of the lower two-thirds of the face including removal of sagging skin and excess fat, tightening of neck muscles, jowls and – restoring volume to cheeks that have become hollow and deflated. The SMAS surgery deals with the deeper dermal layers to create a foundation for a more natural looking and longer lasting face lift.

Am I a Good Candidate for a SMAS FaceLift?

If you are in otherwise good health – and you have realistic expectations about dealing with the appearance of a sagging face and neck skin – you are a good candidate.

Can a SMAS Face Lift deal with other areas of my face?

No. It deals only with the lower two-thirds of your face. It will not eliminate wrinkles around your mouth or lines and wrinkles in the eye area or forehead. Dr. Koelliker’s patients combine other procedures –such as Eyelid surgery, Chin Augmentation etc. to address these areas.

What anesthesia is involved?

This will be discussed during your personal, one-on-one consultation with Dr. Koelliker but generally local anesthesia combined with IV sedation is used. You will not feel, hear or remember anything until waking up in your private hospital room.

How long will my SMAS surgery take?

This varies with each patient since many patients choose to combine other procedures with their face lift surgery – but plan on several hours.

Will I have scars after my SMAS Face Lift surgery?

Dr. Koellliker places the incisions in very inconspicuous places such as in the ears and in natural creases of the skin. These normally heal as thin thread-like lines and are well camouflaged. Normally disappearing within a short period of time.

Is SMAS Face Lift surgery painful?

You will experience mild pain and discomfort. Your discomfort will be easily managed with an IV drip along with antibiotics for the first 24 hours in the hospital and oral pain medication and goes away over a few days.

What can I expect during recovery?

Swelling, bruising, puffiness, numbness and paleness are all normal and to be expected. You must keep your head elevated for the first few days to help manage swelling. These issues clear gradually over several days, however some bruising will take 2-3 weeks to resolve.

What can I expect right after surgery?

Bandages will be applied to your head and neck-and then removed the next day. Drains will be applied to reduce swelling. Dr. Koelliker will then decide if you need a lighter bandage for a few more days.

When will I be able to return to work?

Typically patients are presentable and able to return to work in about 2- 3 weeks.

What about exercise and daily activities?

You will need to restrict your activities per instructions we will give you. You will not be able to perform any strenuous activities until healing is complete-3-4 weeks at least.