

Options in Cosmetic Surgery for Breasts (Mammoplasty)

There are three general categories of cosmetic surgery performed on the breasts (also called mammoplasty): breast augmentation, breast reduction, and breast reconstruction

Breast Augmentation (Augmentation Mammoplasty)

Breast augmentation is performed to enhance the appearance, size, and contour of a woman’s breasts. Women consider breast augmentation for many different reasons. Some women feel their breasts are too small. Some desire augmentation after their breasts change after pregnancy. Others desire to correct an asymmetry in breast size.

Breast augmentation is performed with implants (see below) that can be placed under a chest muscle or over a chest muscle. The incision can be placed in the axilla (armpit), areola (the area surrounding the nipple), or lower breast fold. In general, all breast augmentations are minimally invasive procedures.

Breast implants are made up of a silicone shell filled with either saline (a salt water solution) or silicone gel.
DR KOELLIKER uses only the best FDA approved breast implants. A woman determines her desired size by fitting trial implants.

Breast augmentation is a relatively straightforward procedure. As with any plastic surgery mexico, some uncertainty and risk are expected. Know your concerns and expectations. Review the benefits, risks, and alternatives. Seek consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon.

Breast reduction

May also be performed to reduce the amount of volume in the breast. This procedure usually requires a 14 day stay for safe recovery and suture removal.


Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

In some women, the skin is not strong or resilient enough to support the weight of the breast, causing the breasts to sag. With this condition, called ptosis, there is too much skin compared to breast tissue. To give the breast a lift, the excess skin must be removed. There are several surgical techniques used including:

  • Wise pattern. The incision, in the shape of an anchor, goes around the chest and below the breast.
  • LeJeour. The incision goes around the areola and down.
  • Donut or peri-areolar. The incision goes around the areola only.


Breast Augmentations

Breast Lifts

Breast Reduction